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Wild Ages Wilde Eeuwen podcast

Cover for the podcast ‘Wild Ages’, which is now part of Podster’s catalogue. The original title is ‘Wilde Eeuwen’ and the podcast originates from the Netherlands.

The Dutch podcast hit ‘Wilde Eeuwen’ is the latest addition to Podster’s portfolio of historical series. The podcast revolves around influential events of the Middle Ages and reached no. 1 on the charts. ‘Wilde Eeuwen’ is available for adaptation to any market.

Many people think of the Middle Ages as a period filled with violence, raiding, knights and plagues. And it was. But it would be wrong to dismiss this period in time simply as an unpleasant time to be alive, since the events of the Middle Ages, stretching from 500 to 1500 CE, were the origins of European civilisation as we know it.

The historical miniseries Wilde Eeuwen takes the listener on a trip back to the Middle Ages, where host and historian Hendrik Spiering sheds light on the versatility of medieval culture and influential events in Europe within this period. Listen to tales of Charles the Simple and his groundbreaking negotiation with the Viking Rollo in 911, pilgrimages to the Holy Land, the devasting Black Death plague and more.

Even though Wilde Eeuwen only consists of 8 episodes, the podcast strode to no. 1 on the Dutch charts. Now, Podster and NRC are ready to make this podcast a global hit.

An interesting and different NRC production

Wilde Eeuwen is created for the Dutch newspaper NRC Handelsblad, established in 1970. The company is known for their high-quality journalism, and multiple employees have won awards for their work. Behind the production of stands historian and long-time editor at NRC, Hendrik Spiering, as well as audio editor Elze van Driel. Both are also involved with the NRC science podcast Onbehaarde Apen. Music, editing and mixing is done by Rufus van Baardwijk.

Hendrik Spiering is the only narrator in Wilde Eeuwen. Thus, there is not a conversation or investigative basis, as you might expect from an NRC production. However, it is not a traditional historical podcast, since it includes vivid descriptions and some made-up conversations. This provides an exciting illusion of one being present at that time in history, as well as gives an extra dimension to the storytelling, combined with an entertaining sound design.

Discover more about Wilde Eeuwen under ‘Our Shows’. If you are keen on bringing this captivating historical podcast to new markets, do not hesitate to reach out. Your interest could be the key to making Wilde Eeuwen a global sensation.

Amanda Lee Edelstein

Amanda Lee Edelstein is the Global Project Manager and Media Contact at Podster (